Our story begins in the early last century when Bartolomeo and Giovanbattista Matteini bought in S.Agostino, a small village  at the doors of Pistoia, the terrains and the villa, starting the production of ornamental plants. For example, in 1930’s our nursery provided the plants (tilias and holms) to set up the EUR district in Rome. Some of those  holms  still decorate the boulevard access to our villa.

However, till 1970’s the nursery was complementar to the traditional agriculture, specialized in the production of wine and cereals.

Only with Matteini Tranquillo our company became a nursery totally  specialized in ornamental and garden plants.

His passion brought him to cultivate in the nursery more than 30 varieties of Quercus, and he introduced new culltivar: Quercus Ilex Matteini, quercus ilex fordii, quercus dentata, quercus agrifolia, quercus phillireoides, quecus bicolor, quercus alnifoglia, ecc

One important discovery by Matteini consists of a new cultivar with a more compact shape, largest leaves and a better resistance to diseases. Beyond the new varieties, our nursery has also a great tradition in traditional plants, such as magniolias and olive trees trimmed with the Tuscan shape, evergreen hedging and shrubs such as prunus laurocerasus and photinia. In many choices he was really forward-looking.

In 1960’s he built up the first artificial lake for the nursery irrigation, which  remains today one of the biggest lake of this genre in Pistoia.

In the management of the family activity, Tranquillo opted for a typology of growth,  more respectful  towards  the nature , with low environmental impact, deciding to cultivate plants in the terrain.

The nursery, now as before, surrounds the eighteenth-century villa and the Italian garden to which you can access through a tree-centennial-holms-lined  boulevard. Landscapers and garden designers are used to visit  the garden in order to get inspiration for their works.

At the beginning of 2000 we built up  a little agritourism renovating an old barn near our villa.

In 2014 Matteini Tranquillo died when he was 90. His daughter Maria has inherited the nursery. Now she continues to manage it keeping together innovation and traditions.