One of our bestsellers: Camellia japonica multistems in various sizes
Here at Matteini Tranquillo we have got a wide range of multistem Camellias: Te Deum, Tricolor, Snowball and many others. They are absolutely beautiful in this time of the year! Full of flowers [...]
Potting some amazing Viburnum tinus multistems. They will be ready in the Spring!
One of the main activities in a nursery is to lift the plants and put them into the container. Today we have lifted these huge Viburnum tinus multistems with their dark green leaves. New growth [...]
Autumn and its beautiful colours in our Amelanchier lamarckii multistem
Genus name comes from a French provincial name for Amelanchier ovalis a European plant in this genus. Species name honors Jean Baptiste Antoine Monet de Lamarck, 18th century French naturalist. [...]
Cupressus sempervirens Matteini
Today we loaded some of our exclusive production of Cupressus sempervirens Matteini to be delivered in the UK